Knowledge Base


For websites & apps: Publishers' website/app must be live, fully functional, publishing fresh content regularly and receiving at least 100,000 monthly impressions. Websites/apps with less than the minimum required number of monthly impressions may still be considered depending on advertisers' requests, minimal run of site advertising, and the layout/design quality of their platform. Publishers must also own their domain name. Publishers' platforms should preferably be in English language. 

For social media, blogs & e-newsletter properties: These publishers', marketers and social media Influencers must have platforms that are fully functional and have high quality engaging content which should preferably be in English language. 

Log into your publisher dashboard and click on the "Create Publisher" button.

Follow the steps on how to add your Media Platform. 

Note: You can add multiple media platforms such as a websites/apps, e-newsletters, and social media to the same account on** 

Your media platform(s) must already have been approved by our administrators to list your ad inventory on your profile page. Once your media platform is approved and listed in the marketplace, log into your publisher dashboard, and then click on the “Create Ad Inventory” button to select the type of ad inventory you want to setup; this could either be display banner ad units for websites, apps and e-newsletters or sponsored content offerings on social media platforms or blogs. Click on the Ad Setup button to start the process and follow the guide on how to create ad inventory for your selected media platform. 


  • Catapult Ads reserves the rights to manually include publishers ad space(s) as part of a bulk purchase AD BUNDLE; listed at a discounted rated to advertisers. This will be deducted from gross earnings before revenue share..
  • Catapult Ads reserves the rights to offer discount codes and run offers to benefit advertisers. This will be deducted from gross earnings before revenue share.

Log into your publisher dashboard and click on the Ad Inventory link to view a list of all your platforms ad inventory. You can use the search fields and filter to find the desired ad unit size you’d like to embed in a particular website/app. Click on the “ACTION” button for the desired media platforms ad unit, and then click on details from the dropdown menu to view the designated ad code for the selected ad unit 

The answer is different for each website, but too many ads can make a potential advertiser move on to a site with less competition. We recommend using 2-5 ad units at the most, remember you can sell more than 1 ad space in each ad unit. These are considered rotating ads. 

We recommend placing ads in highly visible areas such as above the website scroll line (the area below where users scroll down to view content). The more visible your ads are, the more clicks they will receive. Advertisers like clicks! 

After you embed our ad code to your website it will take at least 24 hours before your website is displayed in our online marketplace. The reason for this is because we need to collect some initial impressions and data from your website before we can list your available ad inventory.  Also, most ad spaces must be able to get a minimum of 1,000 impressions to qualify for listing in the marketplace. 

After you add our api (display ad code) to your website it will take at least 30 days before your listing shows the correct number of monthly impressions that your website receives. The reason for this is so the system has enough time to calculate an average number of monthly impressions to show an accurate reflection of your site traffic to advertisers.  

We no longer pull data from since its retirement on Dec 15th 2022, however we now allow publishers of websites/apps to manually add their platforms monthly impressions pending when our servers can automatically pull monthly data through our embedded api. 


You can use standard CSS to adjust your ads styling. There are only 2 classes you will need depending on how many ads you have in your ad block. If you have 1 ad in your ad block, use div.singleblock. If you are displaying more than 1 ad use div.multiblock. An example of how to add the CSS in your stylesheet would be something like one of these this: 
.multiblock { padding: 5px; } 
.singleblock { padding: 5px; } 

You have the option to use any ad size that you would like - however, most advertisers already have ads that are already made to fit our standard ad sizes (these are the most common ad sizes). If you try to sell an ad with a size of 200px W by 20px H, you might not get many buyers. 

There is no "standard" for pricing. By learning more about your website's niche and doing research on your competitors you can come up with a price that is great for you and your advertisers. Some ad units can sell at a higher price based on things like how high above the fold the ad is on the web page, the ad size, and how many ad units there are on the web page. 
As a general rule of thumb, you can start with a range of $1 - $2 per 1,000 impressions. So, if your site gets 100,000 impressions a month and you have a large header ad in a niche market you might try charging $100 - $200 for that ad unit. The better you price your ad spaces; the more advertisers will want to purchase them from you! 

Yes, you can change any information on your listing except for the media platform link. If you wish to have the link changed, you will need to contact our support team. All other information of the details can be edited under the "Publishers” page in your publisher dashboard. 

This could be for a few reasons. Is your website design clean, easy to read and navigate? Are your ad units competitively priced or are they priced too high? Are your ad units hard to find on the web page? Are there too many ad units on the same webpage, do you have a Catapult Ads “Advertise Here” placeholder on your website? These are all questions you should ask yourself if you are concerned about your sales.

One recommendation we have is to let your readers or users know you have ad space for sale.  

The ad tag is JavaScript and this script must fully execute in order to retrieve an ad from our server and increase the number of impressions served by your site. To understand a discrepancy between page views and ad impressions, there are several factors to take into consideration, including the following:

  • Is the ad tag installed on every page of your site?
  • Website analytics reporting is not 100% accurate.
  • Bots account for as much as 80% of website traffic.
  • Ad blockers.
  • JavaScript is disabled.
  • Settings that interfere with the loading of our ads.
  • Other utilities that prevent our script from executing.
  • JavaScript errors on the page.
  • Leaving a page before the ad loads.

For these reasons, page views and ad impressions are unlikely to match.


Purchasing display banner ads or sponsored/social posts on Catapult Ads, via our Ad Marketplace, Ad Bundle or Campaign Builder Wizard is very simple and the process is easy.  

FOR DISPLAY BANNER ADS: For display banner ads, you can either browse our Ad Marketplace to choose which media platform(s) you wish to advertise on, choose a curated package from our ad bundle or create a custom ad package using our self-service Campaign Builder Wizard. 

Once you have completed your selection, simply click on the "Add to Cart" button next to the available ad space or inventory you would like to purchase. You will be taken to the “Cart” page where you will be able to review and amend your selection, continue shopping, reset cart or upload ad creative (banner image). Once you are satisfied with your product selection, click on the “Upload Creative” button to be taken to the setup page; where you will be able to follow the instructions to prepare your ad campaign, upload and preview your ad creative. The next step will be to review your selection by clicking on the “review cart” button which will take you back to the updated “Cart” page. This done, you’ll be able to amend your product selection(s), reset cart, continue shopping, edit creative(s) or go to the checkout page by simply clicking on the activated “Checkout/Billing Information” button to pay for your order 

It is important to note that most ad campaigns automatically start running within a few minutes after submission, however, depending on either the publishers' settings or the product type, ad campaigns may be required to go through an approval by either the publisher or advertiser before going live. * Some publishers disable our ad auto-approval feature, and therefore have to manually review all ad campaign requests first, before the ads go live (this process can take up to 24 hours). 

Before purchasing display ad spaces, it's important that you have the correct banner image ad size first, e.g., a 300x250 or 728x90 banner ad space requires a corresponding ad creative size. This is because ad spaces (also referred to as ad zones or ad unites) vary and offer different ad sizes.  

FOR SPONSORED/SOCIAL POSTS: For sponsored advertorial/social posts, you can browse our Ad Marketplace to choose which media platform(s) you wish to advertise on. 

Once you have completed your selection, simply click on the "Add to Cart" button next to the available influencer or advertorial inventory you would like to purchase. You will be taken to the “Cart” page where you will be able to review and amend your selection, continue shopping, reset cart or upload ad creative (Social Post image). Once you are satisfied with your product selection, click on the “Upload Creative” button to be taken to the setup page; where you will be able to follow the instructions to prepare your ad campaign, upload and preview your ad creative. The next step will be to review your selection by clicking on the “review cart” button which will take you back to the updated “Cart” page. This done, you’ll be able to amend your product selection(s), reset cart, continue shopping, edit creative(s) or go to the checkout page by simply clicking on the activated “Checkout/Billing Information” button to pay for your order 

It is important to note that most ad campaigns automatically start running within a few minutes after submission, however, depending on either the publishers' settings or the product type, ad campaigns may be required to go through an approval by either the publisher or advertiser before going live. * Some publishers disable our ad auto-approval feature, and therefore must manually review all ad campaign requests first, before the ads go live (this process can take up to 24 hours). 

NB. We recommend visiting the Ad Bundles and Ad Campaign Wizard pages to ensure better targeting of your ads. This includes GEO targeting, mobile and desktop traffic targeting as well purchasing by several impressions. 

You can also contact us for a custom solution for your ad campaign.

FOR WEBSITES & APPS: Some publishers have activated our auto-approval feature - which means that ads purchased from these publishers can start running immediately after purchase. Most ad creatives automatically start running as soon as the campaign is submitted, however depending on some publishers' workflow preference or the type of campaign selected, an approval or review of the ad creative may be required. Publishers who choose to manually review and approve ad campaign requests automatically receive an email notification to do so once a submission has been made.  These requests usually take about 24 hours to get actioned.  

Manually approved CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) ad campaigns and the billing cycle do not start running until the publisher has approved the ad request, however CPD (Cost Per Day) ad campaigns are automatically approved and can start running immediately. 

FOR SOCIAL MEDIA, BLOGS & E-NEWSLETTER PLATFORMS:  Please be aware that a preview of purchased sponsored/social posts which have been received and processed by publishers is sent to advertisers for final approval before being manually published on publishers' platforms**. 

Yes! You can purchase display banner ads and sponsored posts on multiple websites, apps and social media platforms in a single transaction. Simply add your selection to the cart, proceed to checkout and follow the prompts. 

Yes, Catapult Ads utilises a proprietary ad server which can serve your javascript or iframe tags and provide targeting functionalities on websites and apps using parameters such as: 

  • Audience geographic location based on publishers' traffic  

  • Mobile / Desktop type and traffic 

  • Audience category 

We've also teamed up with to show Similar Webs website rank and traffic locations (GEOs) for your campaign using our custom advertising solution. You can contact us using the form below for a custom solution for your ad campaign. 

We process payments via Stripe and PayPal and support major debit and credit cards. Advertisers can also use the balance of their Catapult Ads wallet to make purchases (funds can be deposited into wallets using the methods above). We will be adding stable coins such as USDT and USDC soon

We keep ad campaign logs for 365 days. After 365 days, ad campaign statistics and invoices will be deleted automatically. 
You can find additional information about Privacy Policy here. 

Yes, Catapult Ads provides a full ad dashboard for your ad campaign(s), where you’ll be able to view data such as the number of impressions, clicks and CTR (click-through rate) for the day, week, last 30 days and lifetime of the ad campaign. 

To view your ads stats, login to your advertiser account then click on the 'My Advertisements' link in the Advertisers Dashboard, use the search filters to find the campaign you wish to view the stats of and click on “statistics” tab 

Stats for completed ad campaigns that have been archived can also be viewed by simply clicking on the “completed” tab under the status search filter on the “My Advertisements” page. 

All our publishers have the right to refuse any ad/link they do not want on their website. Advertisers will get a direct notification from the publishers stating the reason for declining the ad campaign request, providing a guideline or steps to take to make the ad creative meet their requirement. Catapult Ads will make a full refund to the Catapult Ads account balance of any advertiser who’s declined Ad campaign request cannot be resolved  

No, we do not support advertising of adult content on Catapult Ads 

CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) ads will continue to run on the publisher's platform until the estimated impressions are reached. Before purchasing ad space on a platform that does not have the number of impressions you require. Before running your ad campaign on a platform with insufficient monthly CPM impressions, you will receive a notification like this “This inventory might not have enough availability to “XXX AMOUNT” of Impressions @ $X.00 CPM. You can adjust your line-item settings to ensure it will serve in full or continue with your purchase with the current settings”. 

For CPD (cost Per Day) ads, revenue will be deducted from the publishers' earnings for not serving enough impressions and a refund will be made to the advertiser. 

Yes, we can provide this professional service through our Media Hub and DSP Trade Desk which affords advertisers greater brand awareness through non-standard static display ad placements or sponsored social content projects.   

Catapult works with brands to develop campaigns that engage consumers at multiple stages of the marketing funnel, building brand awareness, consideration and conversion. Our team of storytellers and innovators includes strategists, creatives, design technologists, engineers and influencers, collaborating to create solutions customised to our advertisers’ goals. 

We develop end-to-end creative campaigns that use CATAPULT ADS' first-party marketplace insights to find the best way to deliver your message to your audience at the right time, in the right way. 


Ad units are containers that publishers place in their websites or apps to display available ad space and active ads to web visitors. Ad units send ad requests to Catapult Ads servers, then display the ads they receive to fill the corresponding request. 

Ad rotation is the practice of showing multiple advertisement in a single ad unit on a publisher's web page or app. Different Ads may be rotated with each new page load, within a single page load, or both. Because the ads are placed in the same ad unit, they are typically the same format. 

Providing a rotation of multiple ad spaces within a single ad unit keeps advertising "fresh" and engaging, and it increases exposure for more advertisers.  

Ad bundles consist of pre-selected ad units from multiple websites and apps with available ad spaces to purchase.  This inventory can be bulk purchased through a single ad campaign and runs for 30 days. Our ad bundles are pre-packaged niche marketing campaign products that fit pre-determined criteria such as category (e.g., entertainment, lifestyle, politics, fashion...), display ad size, ad format, billing method (Cost Per Day – CPD) and ad campaign duration. A minimum selection of ad spaces is required to be bulk purchased from any ad bundle for an advertiser's ad creative to be displayed across multiple media platforms in real-time. 

Our ad bundles are sometimes offered at a discount and are perfect for advertisers with a sufficient budget; looking to increase their branding, exposure and traffic at scale. advertisers can manage and monitor all the bundled ad units through one campaign dashboard. 

The “Estimated Monthly Impressions” displayed on a publisher's profile page on Catapult Ads is a calculation of how many times a publisher's “website” or “app” page is projected to be viewed within a 30-day period. 

When advertisers enter their Goal/Budget for a particular listed ad inventory, they can see the “Estimated impressions” (Est. Imps) or views their ads are likely to receive on a publisher's website or app.  

For ads served based on the Cost Per Day (CPD) pricing model, the “estimated impressions” an advertiser's ad is projected to receive is based on two factors; the daily page impressions a publisher's website or app has available, and the number of ad spaces allotted to a single ad unit (location). Note that not all CPD based ad units are setup to accommodate ad rotation. 

For ads served based on a Cost Per Mille (CPM / Cost Per Thousand Impressions) basis, the “estimated impressions” an advertiser's ad is projected to receive is based on the estimated page impressions a publisher's website or app has available, the CPM price set by the publisher for ad space in a single ad unit (location) and the advertiser's goal/budget. Note that CPM based ad units can also be setup to accommodate ad rotation; subject to available page impressions on a publisher's website or app. 

These calculations are estimates and the number of impressions an advertiser's ad gets may be more, or it may be less. Our estimated impressions are re-calculated daily so that advertisers have a relatively accurate idea of how many impressions their ad will receive. Estimated impressions are not how many clicks an advertiser's ad will receive. 

We support standard IAB sizes, which include:  

  1. Billboard – 970 x 250 

  1. Large Leaderboard - 970 x 90 

  1. Leaderboard – 728 x 90 

  1. Full Banner – 468 x 60 

  1. Large Rectangle – 336 x 280 

  1. Skyscraper – 120 x 600 

  1. Half Page – 300 x 600 

  1. Medium Rectangle – 300 x 250 

  1. Square – 250 x 250 

  1. Wide Skyscraper – 160 x 600 

  1. Button – 125 x 125 

  1. Vertical Banner – 120 x 240 

  1. Small Rectangle – 180 x 150 

  1. Mobile Full-Page Flex - 320 x 320 

  1. Mobile Leaderboard - 320 x 50 

  1. Large Mobile Banner - 318 x 106 

  1. Mobile Large Banner – 216 x 36 

  1. Mobile Medium Banner – 168 x 28 

  1. Mobile Small Banner – 120 x 20 

  1. Half Box – 195 x 285 

  1. News Banner – 390 x 95 

  1. 650 x 488 

  1. 240 x 120 

Prohibited Behaviour: 

  • Auto-redirects (automatically redirect the user without their engagement or direct action (e.g., click, touch)) 

  • Pop (including pop ups, pop-unders, pop overs, exit) 

  • Auto-download 

  • Spyware/Malware/ Viruses 

  • Expandable ads (ads that automatically expand without user’s action) 

  • Auto-refresh 

  • Deceptive ads resembling user interface elements (e.g., text boxes) - these ads do not ask the user for permission before initiating services and/or fees. Includes click-to-call and click-to-subscribe ads that do not include an intermediary land page or other prompts that clearly explains the terms and/or fees associated with the call or subscription) 

  • Deceptive ads that circumvent or interfere (or attempt to circumvent or interfere) with advertising operations (including but not limited to creative scanning. For example, cloaking ad content or ad behaviour to avoid detection by quality controls) 

  • Deceptive ads resembling Windows Dialog or Alert Style (e.g., any creative that a user might mistake for an OS or application-level notification rather than an advertisement) 

Prohibited Content: 

  • Unmoderated UGC 

  • Extreme Graphic/Explicit Violence 

  • Pornography/ Adult content 

  • Profane Content 

  • Hate Content 

  • Under Construction 

  • Incentivized 

  • Illegal Content 

  • Warez 

  • Spyware/Malware 

  • Copyright Infringement 

  • Cigars/Tobacco and tobacco accessories 

  • Alcohol 

  • Gambling/Sweepstakes 

  • Pharma/Drugs and drug paraphernalia 

  • Weapons and weapon accessories 

  • Promotion of free desktop software, unless the ad includes the name of the specific software being promoted and leads to the authoritative online distribution source for the software 

  • Counterfeit goods (Products described as knock off, replica, imitation, clone, faux, fake, mirror image, or similar terms when referring to a brand name in an attempt to pass themselves off as genuine products of the brand owner/ non-genuine products that mimic brand features in an attempt to pass themselves off as the genuine product) 

  • Products enabling dishonest behaviour (Products or services that help users to mislead others/ that enable a user to gain unauthorized access (or make unauthorized changes) to systems, devices, or property) 

Restricted Content*: 

  • Religion & Spirituality 

  • Uncategorized 

  • Dating 

  • Financial Services 

  • Healthcare and medicines 

Advertisers can subscribe to receive instant notification when sold-out ad spaces that they want becomes available. When ad spaces within an ad unit container are unavailable to purchase, advertisers will see the ‘Wait List’ button, clicking on this button will automatically add the ad space to the advertisers Wait List. Our system automatically emails all subscribed advertisers the second an ad space becomes available so they can purchase it if they are still interested.